Founded in 1995, The Card Mall was the first of many web sites to be
combined under the name of Currently, there are Card, Coin,
Currency, Stamp, and Phone Card sites available to collectors and dealers.
For dealers, we offer a way to expand your internet business. When this company
was founded in 1995, very few dealers had web sites developed for their business.
The main mission was to help create sites for dealers. Today, most dealers
already have sites, so our focus has changed from creating sites (which we still do in
case you do not have a site designed) to helping dealers maximize exposure on the
internet. This is done by linking to member sites such as Card Mall or Coin Mall,
as well as creating mailing list services, where announcements and inventories
can be e-mailed to customers. We also have a broadcast list service, where hundreds
to several thousand collectors are signed up to receive your information. Finally,
our want list service allows collectors to reach multiple dealers at once.
For collectors, we try to make visiting each collectible site enjoyable.
We offer free classified ads, monthly contests, links to valuable collecting
information, and more. We are always trying to improve the sites, and any
suggestions are taken seriously, and appreciated.
Please e-mail us at
with any questions or comments.
Alan H. Cohen